Marcel Duchamp, French
Self-Portrait in Profile
My First Impression:
I though that this piece of artwork was very interesting, because it's a different way of looking at a self-portrait. Instead of a detailed painting with colors and an actual face, it just shows you the artist's profile, which makes you think about the person, more than just showing it to you would. You can also get some sense of the person's feelings just by the profile. To me, the man looks depressed, because of the way he's tilting his head. He doesn't look happy.
What I've Learned:
Marcel Duchamp was a French artist who tried to change the way art was thought about, and change what people thought was "art". One of the things he did was take a urinal and call it "Fountain". He made sculptures, painted and took photographs. He made things called Readymades, which were basically everyday objects that he altered and called sculptures.
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