Title: Coyotes
The story I'm trying to tell with this drawing is when, last year I was walking my neighbor's dog at night, around eight, and I heard a whole pack of coyotes howling really close to us, in the woods. I was alone outside with no protection except for a small dog. It was probably the scariest moment of my life, and the darkness had a big effect on why it scared me.
I used value in my drawing to make the area under the streetlight more prominent and what the eye focuses on first. I also made it the brightest spot in the drawing, so that it was clear that I was alone. The darkness in the background contributes to the mystery of the picture, because you dont know whats there or what might be hiding in the darkness. Even though the person who is looking at the drawing cannot hear the coyotes, the can see the fear in the darkness.
The most challenging part of this drawing was the changing from the light to the dark either gradually or abruptly, like I had to do with the streetlight. Also, trying to make it dark enough as to make it beleivable that it actually is nighttime.
I think that the most succesful aspect of this drawing is the streetlight and the darkness behind it. It looks like i wanted it to, and I think that it conveys the feelings that I was trying to display.
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