This term, I had a lot of success with drawing from observation, as well as working with found images. I feel like my biggest success this year was the layering project, which I had a lot of fun doing, and I was satisfied with the final product. One of the reasons that I consider it a success is because I had never worked with found images on a wooden board before, but I spent a lot of time on it and I think it came out well. The biggest challenge for me was the first project that we did, the Statement of Purpose project, where I painted a wedding scene in black and white using acrylic and watercolor. I had a lot of trouble making the painting look realistic and more like a photograph. It was the first time I had used paint to make a black and white scene, and that proved to be difficult. This term, my creative process changed and I became more independent in planning and creating my pieces. The projects that we did were more open-ended than projects I have done in previous art classes, and I was able to be more creative when it came to the planning process.