Wednesday, May 26, 2010

The Place Project

In this piece, I wanted to create an imaginary skyline that combined several iconic buildings. I felt that the silhouettes of the buildings came out really well and look somewhat realistic. I liked the colors in the sky, but I struggled with making them look bright, vibrant and realistic.

Interior Spaces Drawing

News Story Project

I chose the article because it talked about a whale that was killed by eating too much garbage that had been in the ocean. It addressed the negative impacts that our wasteful and destructive actions can have on nature. I wanted to paint this subject because I wanted to address the issue it described

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

End of Term Reflection

I enjoyed almost all of the projects that we did this term, and am proud of a few of my pieces. I think the project that I had the most success with was the place project. I made the outline of a skyline in black and painted the sky with watercolors. I think that this was my biggest success this term because it fulfilled the requirements and I enjoyed doing it and I was happy with the way it looked at the end. The most trouble I had this term was doing the candy painting. It was difficult for me because I had never painted anything that size before, and I had trouble blending colors and making the candies, especially the Twizzlers and the wrapper look 3-D and realistic. I definitely feel like I've improved as an artist this term, and I've gotten more comfortable with the materials and the processes that we learned this year.

Friday, March 12, 2010

Drawing From Observation: Placement & Proportion

I wasn't really frustrated by this process, I was comfortable drawing this way, but I found it a little difficult to draw what I saw instead of what I knew was there. It felt natural drawing the shapes of the objects and the only thing I had trouble with was the placement and the spacing between objects. I thought that my drawings came out alright, but I felt that I could have done better.

Tuesday, March 2, 2010


I felt more comfortable doing the drawing from imagination, because I could make it look like whatever I wanted, and I could be as creative as I wanted to be, as opposed to the drawing from observation. I could change my drawing as I went, and draw whatever was in my head. When drawing from observation, you have to draw exactly what you see, and it stresses me out sometimes if I can't the drawing to look just like the objects I'm drawing.